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Moderator Presbyterian Church of Pakistan visit to Jaranwala

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Jaranwala Incident is reported by International media Aljazeera,BBC and many more

Dear colleagues in Christ,Greetings. Christians in Pakistan are living in constant fear. There are frequent incidents of false charges of Blasphemy throughout Pakistan after the incident of Jaranwala. Till now seven cases have been reported in the past couple of weeks and in every case, Christians had to flee from their houses due to fear of attack from violent mob. In two cases few Christians were caught and beaten on false charges of blasphemy. Christians are hearing unconfirmed news of blasphemy charges in different cities throughout Pakistan and these rumors are increasing the hatred between Christians and Muslims. I request you to pray for the Christians in Pakistan so that they may remain strong in faith during this difficult time. There is also a need to pray for the Government officials to control the situation wisely. The conditions in Jaranwala are still unsafe and unsatisfactory for local Christians. They are being threatened by the majority community, who have been identified as culprits in attacking the Churches and houses of Christians. The majority of the Christian women were domestic workers and men used to work as laborers with people from the majority community before this incident. Now they are jobless because people have refused to let them work in their houses. In a few cases, poor Christians are also in a state of fear and not willing to work with them. Most of the houses are burnt and unsafe to live. They not only need food, household, and basic necessities of life but also need a long-term plan to make them self-sustainable and to bring them out of the trauma of such a horrible incident. I appeal for a quick response from the Churches and donor agencies to support the Christians in Pakistan by providing them with food, household, furniture, and other stuff to enable them for a normal life. We are planning to start women empowerment, Trauma counseling sessions and educational projects for Children so that their shattered emotions can be healed. I am looking forward to build strong connections and partnerships to serve the persecuted Church at Jaranwala Pakistan.

In His Service Rev. Reuben Qamar Moderator Presbyterian Church, F. C. College, Lahore

Presbyterian Church.

Officials of Presbyterian Church of Pakistan doing assement of devestation of Churches. 

Rev. Obaid Khokhar Executive Secretary of PCP.

Devastated Church.

Devastated Churches.

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Rev. Rizwan Mal


Rev. Rizwan along with his wife Rev. Asma Rizwan are Pastors Installed in three Churches of Jaranwala. His grandfather former Pastor of Presbyterian church planted these churches, then his father shephered these Churches. He is third genereation of Pastors serving in these churches.

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